Prosthetic treatment is carried out on patients who have lost tooth tissue, as well as those who have lost one or more teeth. Of course the prosthodontists’ task is not only to treat the problem but also to prevent the development of disease and to provide post treatment rehabilitation.
Patients who come to the prosthodontist want, with the aid of a new prosthetic crown or dentures, to primarily improve their appearance. Nowadays healthy teeth say a lot about us and we put a lot of effort into making sure that our smile is healthy, complete and radiant. When tooth loss occurs, restoring the aesthetic look is only one of the aims of the treatment process. Another important issue concerns the alignment of the supplementary teeth to patient’s occlusion, so in the future they are not the cause of dysfunction or illness. Our patients’ health is our main concern. If untreated, wholes in teeth and gaps between teeth that have not been filled may cause further irregularities in the mouth and further teeth loss.
During the prosthetic treatment it is often necessary for the prosthodontist to work with other specialists including: radiologists, periodontists, surgeons or orthodontists. Each treatment starts with a comprehensive interview and a thorough analysis of the patient’s case. Often it is necessary to take x-rays, most often pantomographic x-rays. Prosthetic treatment also requires the taking of impressions in the mouth and preparing diagnostic models. Based on this complex analysis the prosthodontist will prepare a strategy for the treatment.
Before a patient receives a crown or dentures, the oral cavity must be prepared. This involves treating the teeth and bringing the oral tissue to a stage where the dental enhancement can be introduced. The following are checked: the ground bone, the condition of the alveolar bone, the condition of the oral cavity's mucous membrane, ligaments and frenulum. The dentist verifies whether any pathological changes exist and checks the spatial conditions in the patient’s mouth. The number and quality of the teeth are checked as well as the spatial relationship between them. The aim is to create a situation where permanent or removable dentures will be optimally utilized by the patient but will not have any detrimental effect on the entire dental structure.
Preparation of the patient to for prosthetic treatment may be preceded by any of the following:
- surgical treatment - when it is necessary to remove teeth that can not be rebuilt, or which form an obstacle to obtaining the correct fit for the denture,
- conservative treatment – treatment of the teeth affected by teeth decay, cleaning teeth from plaque and tartar,
- orthodontic treatment - closing the gaps between teeth, correction of the teeth layout.
At our clinic in Wrocław, depending on the type of tooth damage and the individual needs of the patient, when the tooth can be preserved we use inlays/onlays and divided post and core inlays. Whereas when we are dealing with cases where one or more teeth are missing we use flexible dentures (partial, complete, acrylic or skeletal), permanent dentures (crowns, bridges, adhesive bridges) as well as super constructions based on implants.
The best solution will depend on the individual case and the carefully prepared plan of treatment – optimally selected for the patient. We warmly welcome you to participate in consultations at Dentin dental clinic Wrocław.
Permanent dentures
Protezy stałe to takie, które osadza się trwale na zębie lub zębach pacjenta.
Wśród tego rodzaju protez są wypełnienia jednoczłonowe, za pomocą których uzupełnia się braki pojedynczych zębów. Do tego celu służą korony protetyczne, systemy połączeń inlay/onlay lub wkłady koronowo-korzeniowe. Natomiast wtedy, gdy odtwarza się brak kilku zębów stosuje się mosty protetyczne.
Protezy wykonuje się z różnego rodzaju materiałów. Ponieważ jednak dziś oprócz efektu terapeutycznego, równie ważny jest efekt kosmetyczny więc materiał z którego wykonana jest proteza musi idealnie odwzorowywać warunki naturalne pacjenta. Od estetyki wyglądu uzupełnienia zależy w ogromnej mierze zadowolenie pacjenta.
Każde leczenie jest poprzedzone wnikliwym wywiadem, badaniem i wykonaniem zdjęć rentgenowskich. Dzięki takiej analizie lekarz jest w stanie ocenić, czy można w danym przypadku zastosować dane uzupełnienie protetyczne. Kwalifikacja do leczenia, polega na klinicznej i radiologicznej ocenie warunków zgryzowych pacjenta pod względem klinicznym i radiologicznym. Ważne jest także określenie roli planowanego uzupełnienia protetycznego w rehabilitacji funkcji żucia, mowy i kosmetyki w aspekcie całej jamy ustnej pacjenta.